Free webinars

To pay it forward, MOAT: Mental Health Services is delivering a range of free mental health webinars for frontline staff, and local communities during the 2020 COVID pandemic period.

(Webinar completed with 47 participants on 13/08/2020.)

(Webinar completed with 47 participants on 13/08/2020.)

(First healthcare staff session on 13/08/2020 fully booked and completed with 100 participants.)

(First healthcare staff session on 13/08/2020 fully booked and completed with 100 participants.)

(Overflow healthcare staff session on 20/08/2020 completed with 78 participants.)

(Overflow healthcare staff session on 20/08/2020 completed with 78 participants.)

(Session for 71 CFA volunteers completed on 08/09/2020.)

(Session for 71 CFA volunteers completed on 08/09/2020.)

(A session particularly scheduled for the Australian ice-hockey community on 21/09/2020 completed with 39 participants.)

(A session particularly scheduled for the Australian ice-hockey community on 21/09/2020 completed with 39 participants.)